About Me

Welcome to my paradise!  I love being a SAHM.  I love being a homemaker. 
Right now our household is in transition mode.
 I have 4 children, two of the four are young adults (24.5 and 23 in 8 days.),
they have been in and out of the house over the last few years.
Although I love having them home,
when they are in between school and missions and other adventures,
 it does get a little bit crazy at times. 
My youngest 2 are going to be a senior and a freshman in High School in 2010/2011.  
They are constantly busy as well.  I get caught up in just getting through the day. 
I want MORE than that!!!

  In comes the blog. 

This is my effort to track some progress and some change. 
 I want to accomplish a little more in my day. 
Check a few goals of the proverbial list. 
Every year when spring rolls around I find myself wanting something new and different. 
This spring my goal is to Create the changes I am looking for.
I LOVE to find fun projects on blogs, I think "Someday I'll do that..."
That's where it ends.  I forget about it after awhile. 
I run across something that reminds me of what I wanted to do and I
wonder "where did I see that?"  And then I totally beat myself up for
not doing "it".
Well, this is where I will save my idea's. 
This is where I will check off my list.
This is where I will give a thumbs up or down.

It's not about accomplishing EVERYTHING, it's about saving idea's
and moving forward with them one or two at a time,
instead of having them swirl around in my head and a year from now
being in exactly the same spot.
From crafting, to cooking, to organizing, to learning, and yes even cleaning.

Here's to making our home our paradise!


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